"Captain's Log: We Came, We Saw, It's Done" (2017)
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Scientific American logo Scientific American
"Cassini at Saturn: A Retrospective" (2017)
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Scientific American logo Scientific American
"November 9, 2016: A Sense of the Inevitable" (2016)
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WSJ logo The Wall Street Journal
"A Week in the Life of Carolyn Porco" (2016)
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BBC logo BBC News
"Saturn Snapped as Earth Smiled", an essay describing the final mosaic from The Day The Earth Smiled (2013)
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BBC logo BBC News
"Voyager: Through the Door to Eternity" (2013)
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PBS News logo PBS News
"NASA's Cassini Cameras to Provide Breathtaking Image of Earth from Saturn", an essay describing The Day The Earth Smiled (2013)
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Edge logo Edge
"The Inductive Economy of An Elegant Idea", an essay in response to the question, "What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?" (2012)
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"Abortion and the 2012 Election Season: Let's Get the Facts Straight" (August, 2012)
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New Statesman logo New Statesman
"The Limits of Science" (May, 2012)
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New Statesman logo New Statesman
"Adventures in Wonderland" (December, 2011)
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"My Role on Star Trek 2009: Take It or Leave It" (May, 2009)
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Scientific American logo Scientific American
"The Restless World of Enceladus" (December, 2008)
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American Scientist logo American Scientist
"Cassini: The First One Thousand Days" (July / August, 2007)
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New York Times logo The New York Times
"NASA Goes Deep" (February, 2007)
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Celebrating Sagan logo
"From Carolyn Porco", reflecting on the death of Carl Sagan (December, 2006)
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Edge logo Edge
"The Greatest Story Ever Told", an essay in response to the question, "What is your dangerous idea?" (2006)
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Discover magazine logo Discover
"In Dawkins's Defense", letter to the editor in response to the article, "Darwin's Rottweiler" (December, 2005)
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Sky and Telescope logo Sky & Telescope's Beautiful Universe
"To the Planets with Robot Eyes" (2005)

Planetary Report logo The Planetary Report
"Captain's Log: 2004:184" (September / October, 2004)
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Astronomy magazine logo Astronomy
"Destination Moon", on getting Eugene Shoemaker's ashes to the moon (February, 2000)
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The Guardian logo The Guardian
"First Reach for the Stars", a review of Carl Sagan: A Life (November, 1999)
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Arizona Daily Star logo Arizona Daily Star
"Extensive Scientific Scrutiny Tells Us Cassini Is Safe" (October, 1997)
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