"The Farthest" screenings and public discussions. American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY with Neil deGrasse Tyson (August, 2017); Caltech, Pasadena, CA with Ed Stone, Susie Dodd, and Miles O'Brien (July, 2017); Television Critics Association, Beverly Hills, CA with Ed Stone, Timothy Ferris, John Rubin, and Bill Gardner (July 2017). Watch the discussion at Caltech >>
"Celebrating Voyager 1", StarTalk All-Stars co-host with guest co-host Sean Ono Lennon and guest Emer Reynolds. (May, 2017) Listen to the podcast >>
"Cassini: The Journey and the Legacy". Presentations at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC (March, 2017); Project Space Conference, Dubai, UAE (January, 2017); California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA (October, 2016); Dreamforce Conference, San Francisco, CA (October, 2016); Starmus Festival, Canary Islands, Spain. (July, 2016)
"Searching for Life in the Universe". Performance with StarTalk Live! featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson, Eugene Mirman, Sean Ono Lennon, Vanessa Bayer, and Ian Michael Black. Beacon Theatre, New York, NY. (February, 2017) Listen to Part 1 >> Listen to Part 2 >>
"Inside the National Academy of Sciences". StarTalk All-Stars host with guest Marcia McNutt. (January, 2017) Listen to the podcast >>
"Science and Art". StarTalk All-Stars host with guest Sean Ono Lennon. (October, 2016) Listen to the podcast >>
"Enceladus Up Close". StarTalk All-Stars host with guest Chris McKay. (September, 2016) Listen to the podcast >>
"Listening for Aliens". StarTalk All-Stars host with guest Dan Wertheimer. (August 2016) Listen to the podcast >>
Remarks at the Reason Rally. Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC. (June, 2016) Watch/read the remarks >>
Performance with the Infinite Monkey Cage. San Francisco, CA. (January, 2015) Listen to the show >>
"A Decade at Saturn". Presentation at the University Lectures Series, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (April, 2014)
Presentations on BBC's Stargazing LIVE. Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, UK. (January, 2014) Watch episode 1 >> Watch episode 2 >> [UK viewers only]
"Carl, This One's For You". Presentation to the Celebration of Carl Sagan at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC. (November, 2013) Watch the presentation >>
"Cassini and the Promise of Enceladus". Public lecture given at SpaceFest, Tucson, AZ. (May, 2013)
"In the Land of Enchantment: Cassini Explores Saturn", Sagan Award Lecture, Pasadena, CA. (October, 2010)
"Science in Film". (a.k.a. "Science in Hollywood") Presentation to the American Atheist Association, Burbank, CA. (October, 2009) Watch the presentation >>
"This Just In ... From Saturn". (a.k.a. "Could a Saturn Moon Harbor Life?") Presentation to TED, Long Beach, CA. (February, 2009) Watch the presentation >>
"At Saturn: Tripping the Light Fantastic". Public lecture, Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic, San Francisco, CA. (September, 2008)
"Our Place in the Cosmos". Presentation to a global audience on Pangea Day, Los Angeles, CA. (May, 2008) Watch the presentation >>
"Titan and Enceladus: A Tale of Two Moons". Public lecture to the La Caixa Science Museum, Barcelona, Spain. (November, 2007)
"Science and the Public Sphere". Panelist with Jim Lehrer, Walter Isaacson, Michael Lemonick, Shirley Jackson, and others. Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen, CO. (July, 2007) Watch the presentation >>
"The Cosmos and Life: The Greatest Story Ever Told". Invited presentation to the Unitarian Universalist Association, Portland, OR. (June, 2007)
"The Human Journey". (a.k.a. "This is Saturn".) Opening presentation at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) Conference, Monterey, CA. (March, 2007) Watch the presentation >>
"If Not God, Then What?" Presentation at the Beyond Belief Conference, Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA. (November, 2006)
"Planets, Piety, and Politics". Presentation to The Amazing Meeting 4 (TAM4) of the James Randi Educational Foundation, Las Vegas, NV. (January, 2006)
"Adventures in the Promised Land: Cassini In Orbit Around Saturn". Presentation to the PopTech Conference, Camden, ME. (October, 2005)
"In Orbit! Cassini Explores the Saturn System". Charles Simonyi Lecture. Public presentation at the Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, England. (September, 2005)
"Adventures in the Promised Land: Cassini In Orbit Around Saturn". Kaufmanis Lecture. Public presentation at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting, Minneapolis, MN. (May, 2005)
"Ten Astronomical Units from the Sun". The Carl K. Seyfert Lecture. Public presentation invited by Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. (April 2002)
"In Search of Our Origins". Presentation at the Hayden Planetarium's "Frontiers in Astrophysics" lecture series, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. (April, 2002)
"Science Fiction, Fact, or Both". Panelist for a discussion associated with the Arizona International Film Festival, Tucson, AZ. (April, 2000)
"The Long Reach: Journey Back to Saturn". Presentation given to the Explorer's Club Millennium Dinner, Waldorf-Astoria, New York, NY. (March, 2000)
"First Day Forum". Panel discussion on life in the next century. KUAT TV, Tucson, AZ. (January, 2000)
"Science in Film: The Idiosyncratic Becomes the Norm". Lecture presented to the Iowa State Institute of National Affairs conference "Film in America: Creating Reality", Ames, IA. (February, 1999)
"Creating Network Television About Scientists and Engineers" and "Portraying Real Science and Technology in the Movies". Panelist at the Alfred P. Sloan Film and Television Summit, Warner Bros. Studios, Hollywood, CA. (November, 1998)
Carl Sagan Memorial, Tucson, AZ. Invited speaker. (March, 1997)
"Journey Back to Saturn: The Search for Our Origins". Public lecture invited by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. (July, 1994)
"The World Beyond: Space Exploration Today and Tomorrow." Public lecture presented to the 92nd Street Y, New York, NY. (November, 1991)
Voyager Neptune Press Conference. Panelist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. (August, 1989) Photos >>